Support and Contact

| May 26, 2024 min read


Thank you for considering my campaign. One of the reasons I’m running is that I beleive residents of all political stripes can come together and discuss local issues. It doesn’t matter where you stand on hot-button national issues, everyone in the county has seen the increased property taxes, and has hit the same pot-holes.

I am not soliciting monetary support for my campaign, I’d like to think that for a local county election, big money isn’t needed. If my platform resonates with you, I do ask you to support me in a grass-roots, word-of-mouth manner. Please talk to your friends and neighbors in the county. You don’t need to try to convince them, but have a discussion with someone you may have not spoken to, or raise an issue with a neighbor.


I am happy to hear from residents to discuss my campaign, issues, or items I should consider. I can be reached via e-mail and can optionally coordinate a phone or in-person discussion.